Current Projects

Sustainable Dairy Cropping Systems--Penn State

We are evaluating ecological strategies for an average-sized, Pennsylvania dairy farm to produce all of its forage, feed, and tractor fuel needs, and to minimize off-farm inputs. We have designed two diverse crop rotations with legumes, green manure and cover crops, no-till, manure injection and integrated pest management practices. Canola is grown for fuel for the straight vegetable oil powered tractor, and the meal is a protein source for the cows. FEAT is being used to evaluate these cropping systems in terms of farm fuel self-sufficiency, energy, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Energy and greenhouse gas emissions of the Farming Systems Project (FSP) cropping systems at Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC) - USDA ARS

o The Farm Energy Analysis Tool (FEAT) was used in this analysis to compare energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and crop production of five different cropping systems. The five cropping systems consisted of: 1) no-till; 2) conventional; 3) organic 2-yr; 4) organic 3-yr; 5) organic 6-yr.

Rodale Institute Farming Systems Trail (FST) cropping systems energy and greenhouse gas analysis using the Farm Energy Analysis Tool (FEAT)

The Farm Energy Analysis Tool (FEAT) was used in this analysis to compare four organic and two conventional cropping systems in terms of energy, and GHG emissions